Discovering the Future You

Empowering you to become the person you were meant to be by enabling you to take control of your own unique journey.

Your new journey starts today…

Thank you for visiting our website. It takes a lot of guts to decide to go for therapy; therefore, we are impressed that you took the first step. However, searching for a therapist is not an easy task. Because we have vast experience in our different fields of work, we would prefer you to choose us. Most importantly, we would like to make it clear that our mission is to support you without judging you.

For any coaching need, you can phone (083 409 3712) or email ( Willie.

For hypnotherapy or couples counseling, you can phone (083 863 2698) or email ( Amelia.


We believe that people and organizations have the potential and the right to be in charge of their destiny.  Our…

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Modern life is complicated and ever-changing, and the Life Coaching process will give you the skills to be alert and…

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Empower You and keep the saw sharp by improving your knowledge and skills.  Decide to invest in yourself as you…

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As an extrovert, I find it extremely difficult to cope with not being social. I miss the positive shared energies and even more so the motivation I generate from being together with others. So what do we as extroverts do to cope with COVID-19? (more…)


  1. Search for a qualified person. All hypnotists are not necessarily counselors as well. You need to know what you want to achieve during the sessions to choose the correct person. There is, for example, a difference between wanting to stop smoking or working on rape during your childhood years. It also requires different hypnotherapy methods. Word of mouth is an excellent way of choosing the correct person.
  2. Decide what issue you would like to solve. In hypnotherapy, we always work on one problem at a time. You may choose what you prefer to work on; however, sometimes multiple issues stem from one core issue like, for example, low self-confidence or low self-image. Last mentioned is the core problem while the presenting problem is, for example, anxiety or depression. An ethical hypnotherapist will be able to assess the situation and discuss what is best for you. The client is always the expert in the process, and the hypnotherapist will guide you to do what is best for you. The hypnotherapist will assess issues like, for example, “I am stuck,” or “I am unhappy” or “I am feeling depressed.”  more in detail to get to the core of the problem. 
  3. List all your fears and questions. Do some introspection before the first session. If you know what your concerns are, if any, the hypnotherapist can address it during the Pre-talk or assessment session. In that manner, you can have the maximum benefit of the sessions.
  4. Let go of and trust the process. If you find it difficult to let go and want to be in control most of the time, it will probably take a little longer for you to get to a medium trance. Not a problem, as an experienced hypnotherapist will be able to support you in the process. Your only work will be to relax and to listen carefully to the voice of the hypnotherapist.
  5. It is normal to be scared of the unknown. If you were not scared, I would be worried. It is a new experience, of course, you will wonder if you are hypnotizable if it is going to work, are you going to be stuck in hypnosis, etc. All of the above and more are ok. However, the results of hypnotherapy versus other therapeutic methods are brilliant. So don’t wait, phone,( +27 83 863 2698), or mail to set up your appointment.

Covid-19 through Compassionate Eyes

In our country, it is day 103 of Lock Down due to Covid-19. Since day one, I experienced many things…

I was challenged with the unknown Corona Virus and the implications of this pandemic. I typically respond as one respond at the beginning of trauma and loss. I was initially motivated by creating security for myself and the people around me. I also had to learn to channel fear into appropriate action and not fall into an endless victim mentality. It was difficult; because my support systems were also limited. (more…)